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All FIA Members Clubs (ASN, ACN and Mobility Clubs) are invited to submit their application for the following Awards:

  • FIA President’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Award
    Recognising outstanding commitment to diverse and inclusive practices and activities that foster equitable, sustainable and measurable change.
  • FIA President’s Climate Action Award
    Acknowledging innovative solutions, mitigation measures and bold actions that help Club members and the wider community to tackle environmental challenges.
  • FIA President’s Road Safety Award
    Shedding light upon the most effective intervention by an FIA Member Club to improve road safety and build a culture of safe mobility, contributing to the reduction of road fatalities.
Click here to download the FIA President's Awards leaflet.


Before you start your application, please note:

  • Only FIA Member Clubs (ASN, ACN and Mobility Clubs) are eligible to submit an application for a project/activity (a “Project”).
  • A Project developed by an FIA Member Club in collaboration with a third party is eligible.
  • All applying FIA Member Clubs will be showcased on the FIA online platforms.
  • FIA Member Clubs can submit only one (1) application per award category, but they can apply in more than one category.
  • The awards will be granted for a recent Project (just completed/still ongoing) or a current one implemented during 2022 and/or 2023.
  • The application form may be completed in English, French or Spanish.
  • Project documentation can be uploaded in the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS section, following the instructions provided.
  • Please make sure you fill in all the mandatory fields in the form, which are those marked with a red star (*). If you fail to do so, you will receive an alert message and your form will not be submitted until you resolve this matter.  
  • After submitting your form, you will automatically land on a page with a "thank you" message. If you do not reach this page, please contact
  • Please read the FIA President’s Awards Rules Notice for a complete overview of the rules governing the FIA President’s Awards.

You may now start filling in the application form below.



    Please provide the full name as well as the acronym when relevant



    (maximum 200 words)
    (effective or expected)


    Projects or activities (or initiatives, programmes…) put forward by FIA Member Clubs for one of the FIA President’s Awards will be assessed against five (5) evaluation criteria, which are described below. Please explain how your project meets each of these criteria.

    The project/activity shall be aligned with the FIA strategic priorities and articulated around responding to an identified need or issue related to EDI, the Environment, or Road Safety. Please describe what the project/activity achieved in response to that need, how it was achieved, and what the accomplishments to date are – immediate outputs and overall outcomes. (maximum 300 words)
    Given the international scale of the FIA, the project/activity should ideally be replicable and at least transferable to Clubs in other countries/regions. Please explain how practical/feasible it would be for other FIA Member Clubs to implement an identical or highly similar project/activity, and how flexible the project/activity is to an increase or decrease in scope. (maximum 300 words)
    A project/activity that tackles a recognised issue in a novel way has the potential to bring rapid and significant change. Please describe the extent to which the project/activity offers a unique approach to an EDI/Environmental/Road Safety issue, creates a solution that differs significantly from existing ones, captures value in a different way, and has the potential to bring lasting change in your organisation’s practices. (maximum 300 words)
    The project/activity should be durable over time, and the FIA Member Club should demonstrate its sustainable commitment for the entire period of the project/activity. Please describe the planned and potential lifespan of the project/activity, its viability over time, and whether it is supported by a mix of external stakeholders. Buy-in from NGOs, academia or the private sector is likely to increase the viability, legitimacy and chance of success of a given project/activity. (maximum 300 words)
    The FIA Member Club will need to show evidence that the EDI/Environmental/Road Safety need that triggered the project/activity has been addressed and that the project/activity has delivered a benefit and created a positive impact on the community or the selected target group. This criterion considers factual evidence (incl. reports, statistics, photos, testimonies…) that can help to measure the success of the project/activity. While absolute figures are useful, it may be difficult to determine the exact impact of the project/activity on the long term. Well-documented outputs and outcomes will therefore be the reference point from which this criterion will be assessed. (maximum 300 words)


    In this part, you may give additional details about your project/activity. While answers to the questions below are optional, we recommend that you provide as much information as possible to assist the Jury in the evaluation of your application.

    What were the biggest obstacles faced by your organisation in the design and/or implementation phases of the project/activity and how did you overcome them? (maximum 200 words)
    How do you promote the project/activity, and are you working toward expanding it? (maximum 200 words)
    Please list any certifications/accreditations/recognitions that your organisation has obtained in the EDI/Environmental/Road Safety fields. You will be able to upload copies of your certificates in the next section. (maximum 200 words)
    Have you previously applied for an FIA Award (ex. FIA Road Safety Award, FIA Disability and Accessibility Award, FIA Volunteers and Officials Awards), and if so, in which year? (maximum 100 words)
    Please provide any other useful information about your project/activity. (maximum 200 words)


    Upload documents
    Files must be less than 4 MB.
    Allowed file types: zip pdf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx.
    Any supporting documentation not in the English language must be accompanied by an English language translation.
    It is strongly recommended to enclose all your documents in a .zip compressed file and upload this single .zip file in your application form.
    If you prefer uploading your documents separately, please make sure they are in one of the following formats: .pdf .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .ppt .pptx (maximum 4MB each).
    Make sure your attachment(s) are titled in the following way: “OrganisationName_DocumentName”(no spaces and no special characters such as the apostrophe). Short file names are preferable.
    If you are facing problems when uploading documents, you may send them via email to, indicating “FIA President’s Awards / Award category / Club name” in the subject line of the email.
    Click here to access the FIA President’s Awards Rules Notice
    Click here to access the Data privacy notice
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